Expert guidance
and time-saving tools.

educational consultancy services

Get prepared

Know what to expect, organize your timeline, and have a clear roadmap that gives you peace of mind going into the process.

Benefit from expert advice and personalized coaching, so you can navigate the process efficiently and successfully.

Elevate your messaging and optimize key opportunities to shine in a crowded and competitive applicant pool.

Work smarter

Stand out

Step #

Initial Consultation


Overview of private and/or public school options, and what could be a good fit for your child's learning style and your family's educational priorities.

Answer any questions you may have about the timeline and process of applying to schools, and steps you should take to prepare.

Key advice and pointers to help you make the most of your school search and Admissions plan. 

A list of recommended target schools to help narrow your search and prioritize which campuses to tour first.

First things first, we'll start with an informative 60-minute meeting over Zoom to discuss the following:



Step #

Hourly Support

$325 per hour

Comprehensive stewardship or task-specific support, whichever you prefer.

Classroom observation to help determine proper educational fit for the student, and lend insight to how they may be perceived by prospective schools.

Review of transcripts & testing reports.

Interview preparation & coaching.

Essay editing and application oversight to ensure your written materials are primed to submit. 

Custom application tracker tool, so you can plan ahead and stay on top of every detail and deadline.

Strategic pointers on how to maintain strong footing and optimally communicate with schools throughout the process.

Check-in meetings to answer school-specific questions, clarify any points of confusion, and help you determine your top choices. 

Guidance on first choice letters, letters of recommendation, and how to navigate acceptance/ waitlist responses.

Following our first meeting, I'm available to assist with next steps however it can be helpful. Optional services include:


My goal is to tailor everything to the unique needs of your family. For some families, the Initial Consultation is sufficient and they feel comfortable navigating the rest of the process independently. Others prefer comprehensive guidance throughout, or having the flexibility to touch base again at different checkpoints. Following our first meeting, you have the option to decide what works best for you.

A quick note on how I work:


Parent A:

Parent B (if applicable):


1-Hour Zoom Consultation


Please allow 48 hours for a response.

Thank you.